Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just Shoot Me in the Ear Hole

My holiday depression has turned to a sort of frantic frustration, which it does sometimes when Christmas nears and work is at its busiest and I still haven't started my shopping yet. This year has added some twists to the chaos, what with a grandbaby as part of the family now, and a relative who has been hounding us relentlessly for money, and the fact that this is a very lean year for us financially. Now it feels like I'm getting the flu again, possibly brought on by the hospital bill from when I was sick about a month ago. One week, more or less, of this madness and things will start to return to normal... I hope.

There are really few bright spots to the holiday season most of the time. People rushing around to try to get the perfect gift, maxing out their credit cards which makes them even grumpier...Gas prices starting to climb back up right when people are going to be traveling. A lot of people are like me and get in a foul mood and just want things to be over. So it's a special thing when those rare people shine with the true holiday spirit this time of year. I happen to work with one of those people, and she's the most beautiful person I've ever met, both inside and out. Not long ago she and her family organized a spaghetti dinner to benefit a friend who lost his job, and now she mentioned doing something for a cashier who is having a hard time this year. She really shows her true character this time of year, never wanting the benefactor of her kindnesses to know it was she who was the driving force behind their good fortune... It's nice to see that God shines brightly through her and people like her to give hope to others, especially this time of year.


Blogger Michelle's Spell said...

Hey Tim,

I know exactly how you feel. This time of year often finds me blue. I heard the Charlie Brown Christmas special from my hospital bed (playing in the next room) and felt even worse since it's my favorite and so sad. Thanks for pointing out the good moments!

1:00 PM  
Blogger Michelle's Spell said...

Hey Tim,

I know exactly how you feel. This time of year often finds me blue. I heard the Charlie Brown Christmas special from my hospital bed (playing in the next room) and felt even worse since it's my favorite and so sad. Thanks for pointing out the good moments!

1:00 PM  

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