Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Let Me Do The Shopping Honey

There are some men who only go into the grocery store a couple of times in their life, as buying the food is "woman's work" to them. They can always be spotted, and frequently are in need of assistance because... they just can't find the frozen peas. Hmm you'd think they'd be right here in the wine section, right? Often they'll complain about things as they march confidently down each aisle, sure that they know exactly what they're getting and how much it should be. Since they haven't seen the inside of a store since the Carter Administration, they naturally are outraged to see where their hard-earned dollars are going every time the wife goes to town. "Hell, you gotta be kiddin me, $1.25 for a carton of eggs!!? I used to go to Berni's and get em for 29 cents." Um, sure but Berni's has been closed for fifteen years dude... And they always have to voice their opinion on "new" products... "Well by golly there really IS such a thing as frozen pizza." And of course we, the store management, are always trying to confuse them... on purpose... to amuse ourselves. "You people are always moving stuff so I never know where it is! The pudding used to be over there in the other aisle and the coffee was up by the bread! This is the last time I come to this store if you keep pulling that shit!" We'll sure miss ya buddy, and by the way, that stuff's been in the same place since the store was opened. Maybe you're in the wrong store, eh? But the infrequent guy-shopper is also welcome at times because some of them just enjoy piling their cart full, heedless to the mounting cost... not sure if they've gotten enough of the $5/lb. butter( that girl on the label is so cute that it must be the best), so throw a few more in there.

I'm really tired after a long day and I'll probably look at this tomorrow and wonder what the heck I was trying to write, and why.... oh well.


Blogger Laura said...

I try to keep my husband out of the grocery store, and it's not an easy task. Whenever we go together, he is worse than the kids were when they were small. He is constantly putting things we don't need and stuff we shouldn't be eating anyways into my cart. By the time I leave the checkout counter, I've spent twice as much as usual and I've forgotten half the stuff that I originally went there for.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

12:00 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

I try to keep my husband out of the grocery store, and it's not an easy task. Whenever we go together, he is worse than the kids were when they were small. He is constantly putting things we don't need and stuff we shouldn't be eating anyways into my cart. By the time I leave the checkout counter, I've spent twice as much as usual and I've forgotten half the stuff that I originally went there for.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

12:00 PM  
Blogger Michelle's Spell said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Tim! I'm going to Canada for Thanksgiving and so am spared the horror of grocery stores, most of which I haven't frequented since the Carter adminstration!

2:04 PM  

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