Monday, August 21, 2006

Summer's End

School starts in two days, so the summer is just about kaput. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I hate when school starts. Everything changes. The sleeping in on days off is over, relaxing after work is no more, and the warm weather will be coming to an end. It might be different if either my wife or I stayed home and could take care of getting kids off in the morning and making sure homework gets done, but as it is everyone gets home within a couple hours of each other and nobody has the energy to do anything. I'm sure we'll struggle through another year...somehow.
It was a beautiful day out today, a great day to go out and get some weed eating done. But... I came down with a cold yesterday after camping out Saturday night and right now I have a fever, runny nose and cough, so no working outside for me. :(
Oh, just in case you've read the last four posts and wondered what the heck the titles were about, they are lines from "White Rabbit" by Jefferson Airplane. I guess I got that song stuck in my brain when I started writing and just..... aw heck I don't know but I just put them in there.
I hope tomorrow is like today, and I hope I'm not sick then because I'm running out of time to get things done that I wanted to before summer's over.


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