Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stormy Night

I'm writing betweens storms right now. We were down in the basement earlier because a tornado was close by. It was pretty ugly for awhile. Just thunderstorms now though. Not the best of vacations but at least I'm not at work.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Proper Education

A few years ago I thought about going to school and getting an education so I could get a better job, even have a career of some kind. Things came up and I never followed through. I'm giving serious thought to that again, but there are so many things to take into consideration. Will we be able to pay bills while I'm in school? What if I don't do well? How will a fifty year old fit in with all the younger kids?
My wife has been encouraging me to go for it, so I know she'll be supportive, but I'll be stepping into an unknown world. I haven't been in a classroom setting for over thirty years, and high school was something I hated, although I know that the reason for that was the fact that I didn't fit in with any peer group very well back then. Anyway, I'm going to talk to a counselor and see what I need to start the ball rolling, then see if I really want to take the leap. I'd be going to the same school as my son, so I'd probably embarrass him daily... yeah, that would be fun.

Monday, June 08, 2009

It Hasn't Really Been That Long, Has It?

This video is a clip from one of my mom's favorite movies, Shenandoah. She's been gone twenty five years today, a long time on the calendar maybe, but in my mind I can hear and see her as if it was yesterday.